courageous leadership


Demonstrate leadership as a project manager as you engage with your team and individual members.

Apply what you learn every day from today onwards.

Through a deep dive walk through participative 'lectures', you will:

I recently commented on a post on recovering from toxic managers. I used a list drawn from the below which I wrote about proactively creating psychologically safe environments (thereby avoiding toxic managers and cultures!). (I first heard of psychological safety in posts by my learned colleague from IBM days Salvador Segura-Ortega, MBA, PMPĀ® )

Psychologically safe teams are those in which members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of negative consequences. These are therefore fertile ground for the development of resilient people and organisations.

Creating a psychologically safe project team requires a deliberate effort by managers, team leaders and members to establish an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of negative consequences.

Here are some ways to create a psychologically safe team:

By focusing on these strategies, you can create a psychologically safe project team where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of negative consequences. This can lead to better communication, higher quality work, and improved outcomes for the project.

#projectmanagement #leaders #empathy #diversity #culture #resilience #toxicleadership #psychologicalsafety

(Extract from 'Create a Resilient Project Management and Delivery Culture' by Jeremy Farrell)